Easy to Use
Perfectly Paint Edges
No Tape Needed !!!
Save Money
You save a lot of money and masking tape because you do not require to use masking tape anymore. Saving is therefore not only on labour cost and time but also on material cost.
Save time
The Elizwe cut-in paint tool is very easy to use and therefore one works much faster than working with a traditional paint brush. Besides saving on time painting, one saves a lot of time on applying masking tape to cut in areas because when you use the Elizwe cut-in paint tool you do not require to use tape.
Clean cut
The cut-in paint tool paints a very smooth surface and one can make very clean and neat cut in painting.
Less concentration, less frustration
A paint brush requires a lot of concentration to works neatly which makes one psychologically very tired. The Elizwe cut-in paint tool requires much less concentration which in itself increases productivity because one does not get tired so quickly.
Paint straight lines
One can paint a very straight line when using the Elizwe cut-in paint tool free hand style. This makes it easy to paint e.g. where you need to paint straight lines next to wall paper.